#navbar { height: 0px; visibility: hidden; display: none; } BEST SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING: 4 Content Marketing Myths That May Derail Your Mobile Strategy

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

4 Content Marketing Myths That May Derail Your Mobile Strategy

Exciting impressive numbers: Gartner reported that the Tablet PC sales worldwide in 2013 reached 195.4 million, an increase of 68% from the previous year.

At the same time, the number of smart phone users rose significantly year on year to about 1.75 million worldwide.

In a few years, it is expected that the mobile communications traffic completely overcome traffic from the desktop. But many of the vendors are not ready.

Is this common myths that prevent you achieve the benefits reach their audience via mobile?

Myth # 1 - long-form content has no place in the mobile strategy

And sellers are advised to keep short and to the point of increasing the participation rate of mobile content and low leakage.

While it is true that the nuances of the small screen makes the most consumed shorter content on your smartphone, it is important to vary the length of content. Mobile phone users are not always in motion. Throughout the day, there are many cases where the user can fill in the time periods of reading long blog but convincing or watch a video for 5 minutes.

Is also a tablet owners who use mostly their devices to read? The content is actually more likely to be more suitable for this segment. Think of user behavior in the creation and distribution of mobile content. We offer a variety of forms of content to meet the diverse needs of the target audience.

Myth # 2 - will all desktop contents great work on mobile

Of course, you must have your desktop and mobile phone content perfection. After all, mobile users go through different connection from their mobile devices points along the way to his office. I want to make sure that access to your mobile device can access on your laptop computer or their computer.

However, do not spin in the sensitive place or mobile optimized design. What looks great on the desktop will not necessarily be functional on mobile.

Although the design that answer in itself is not the adoption of mobile strategy in itself, it is a good and necessary starting point to increase interaction with your content and also increase conversion rates.

Myth # 3 - no need to slice mobile audience

Mobile phone users are a diverse audience, and often highly fragmented. It would be a fallacy to assume that all your prospects and existing customers have the same needs and behaviors and attributes consumers.

Mobile fragmentation of the audience, according to various criteria such as age, income, occupation, and consumer behavior, and the type of device that was used is essential for effective guidance.

For example, if you are looking to submit an application as part of its strategy for mobile content, you do not aim at all. Instead, the marketing efforts moving toward a specific audience persuade to download and use the application.

Mobile technologies and local search has made it possible to segment and target your audience based on location. Study after study has shown that they are more likely to see high conversion rates when they are providing optimal content locally.

Myth # 4 - Advertising Phone can solve marketing mobile shop

There is a big difference between the actual mobile advertising and marketing. This includes the use of advertising and paid media and earned media to reach your audience. At the same time, marketing involves the use of their own platforms, as the location of the mobile to create brand awareness and facilitate communication with your audience.

Advertising is definitely required, as part of a sales lead generation and advertising goals can help boost conversions. However, building a relationship with is in fact a vital target for the success of an advertising campaign mobile audience.

This requires the development of mobile marketing strategy, which includes the creation of digital content that is relevant to your audience. This strategy allows you to build trust and relationships of your brand before you can ask people to buy a product or sign up for something.


Mobile is vital not be ignored. If you were not jumped on the bandwagon, and this is a good time to do so. Start by setting a powerful strategy to support content other basic mobile marketing techniques.

Click to get more information about Gartner reports referred to above.


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