#navbar { height: 0px; visibility: hidden; display: none; } BEST SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING: 10 Ways to Better AdSense Earnings

Monday, 27 April 2015

10 Ways to Better AdSense Earnings

You can make a lot of money with AdSense to critique your blog if you have quality content, appropriate keywords and ad AdSense right design. Many people complain that they can not make money with AdSense program or the cheapest place. I'll show you how to increase not only the value of your site, but the way I'm going to start building a monthly income!

I critique websites and blogs in many different ways. I see many websites miss when it comes to non-invasive ways to monetize your website or blog, and does not have to be ways in which the wrath of its visitors. In fact - good liquefaction always complement your site, not the "licenses" it. I also read many articles that discuss when criticism, and that there are still some holdouts who say build traffic and then critique site once it reaches a certain level. Sorry - that's just BS in my book, and I have experience to back it up. Critique your website from Day 1 - period!

Why? Every other page and an opportunity to make money. Make money from a website such as planting the garden. Why do you want to continue plowing the field for six months and Oabaky wait to plant the seeds? The liquefaction is marketing and marketing takes time and skill. Yes - skill. The more you do, the better you become, by making it from day # 1.

Make money online is like sports or professional job.

Ingredients you need to succeed:

Qualified trainers and mentors
Passion and drive to succeed
Organization and work ethic
10000 ability to make mistakes and move forward
Good communication skills
Practice, practice, practice!
Today we will talk about monetizing your site with Google Adsense. If you already use Google Adsense - read this article anyway, and learn how to make more money with AdSense program. Click the banner to join AdSense, if you were not already done. You can subscribe through AdSense scraps program code and place ads based on your web site.

AdSense program myths:

To make any money you need thousands of visitors a day
Ads make proportion of visitors leave and not to return
AdSense program authorizes the look of your web site
You will be surprised how much money you could do with some very basic and simple changes to your website. Think about how much that can be done in one day. For only $ 1 per day is $ 30 a month, which should more than pay for basic hosting plans (and then some). Only $ 5 per day and you are making $ 150 a month, $ 0.10 per day is $ 300 / month. And add up faster than you think. Especially if you have a blog more than one site or on the Internet for criticism.

AdSense data:

You can make $ 1- $ 3 per day in no more than 20-30 visitors a day
A proportion of visitors leave quickly anyway (bounce) - You can make money in traffic deaths
The AdSense program guide so that it is less intrusive and more compared with other advertising service
The first thing is to understand where you are advertising. It is powered by AdSense program other products with Google AdWords. If you have not used in AdWords before - it's where you can pay to drive traffic to your website - that "pay per click". An AdWords market - people "Showing the keywords". For more competition there is for a keyword, the harder and the highest bidder wins the first place, the next bidder and the next slot, and so on. For example, it can cost 50 cents for each click on the word "designer bag" but I bet you can get "clay pot" for less than a penny. It's all about supply and demand. More conditions to search for a murderer quite fiercely. Once the keywords are purchased, the algorithm sets the actual AdSense ads on sites - pair them with keywords and the content of Web pages. The algorithm is so amazing, and in most cases is used very targeted ads to your site in a matter of minutes. If the conversion is incorrect or ads - you need to re-think the composition of your web site.

So once you buy the floor and wrote a declaration - that corresponds to a particular site where it should work well. Regardless of how "busy" or popular site is made well and paid advertising lies in the right of access to tens of thousands of visitors daily pages. If you use a high-paying keywords in the content of the site that will attract ads that pay high. Do you understand that statement? Go back and read twice and think about it for a minute.

That's right - the key to making money on Adsense and thus attract paid advertising. If I have a website that receives only 30 visitors a day, and 3 per day to click on AdSense ads pay 35-50 cents, I can make it easy $ 1 a day from this site traffic is very weak. Of course everyone wants to get more than 30 visitors per day, but all sites must start somewhere. I explain how easy it is to make money from day # 1. I do that in almost all the sites that configuration. Many of you who have used AdSense for a long time will not believe it, because in my country, for my example AdSense clicks program and pay a very high percentage of click-through rate (CTR) is 10%. Most sites are fortunate enough to get a CTR of 3.2% on the AdSense ads and clicks usually pay a penny or less on average.

I said before that if the ads that target a blog or a website design came out and probably not "optimized for AdSense." If you want to attract high paying ads and AdSense earnings do more than the existing traffic you have - I'll give you some very simple rules to follow when writing articles and pages and messages. If you follow very basic rules that will not only get more revenue per click with AdSense program, but (long-term) also get more visitors and better search engine listings.

Top 10 ways to earn more money with Adsense keywords

Get a URL very important keywords in your niche: I can not say enough about this. No. 1 reason I have a lot of areas because when you build a niche site if the domain has the best two or three words in it - immediately begin to get traffic from the No. 1 spot and this is very important.
Fixed Permalinks use, beautiful URL, and so on: This is the second most important if you are using WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Mambo, or whatever. Once your configuration programs Permalinks fixed time beautiful URL, or whatever you have messages "site.com/this-is-my-post". The presence of big words in the URL last name TLD is second only to keywords in the domain name itself.
Find the best words and phrases: Do your research! Discover how to do keyword research. If you do not know what are the best keywords for your niche is - in fact no benefit large read further ...
Create a great headline: When you write an article entitled controls much more than I thought. Every day I read great articles with titles shit. With each address should consider the use of words Searched while Linkbaiting lure people to click the title. This can be harder than it seems, because the best titles are 6-8 words or less. I've improved at this time, but it's just practice and practice and practice to become a master at it!
Do you have a first H1 title: Lord takes the mark originally titled HTML input and puts it in the H1 tag as the title of the text on the portal site. If you are using other CMS such as Drupal, Joomla, Mambo, or anything else to make sure your content management system does the same. In its head (especially the first head of the page) Words have a much greater weight of the Stoic in content areas.
Start paragraph summary: unless you're writing a custom meta tags to describe each page in the most important area of ​​any post or page after the title is that first paragraph. This paragraph ultimately becomes your description under you title link in search engine results pages. You want to stick to 2 or 3 sentences when possible, or at least put the important keywords of your own there. Remember - he writes not only determine the extent of this page come in search results, but also how your page is described and why people click!
Important keywords bold as you type: in writing or e Article words and phrases when submitting your views and bold. These words along with your title and summary ads targeted assistance (and traffic!).
Linking relevant sources: This is a fact, but should be mentioned. Be sure to connect the relevant elements only in office - that help guide everything.
Organizing sections using H4 H3 and addresses: use H4 H3 in the headers and messages longer pages is a great way to page "subtitle", and even more specific words. It is also easier to organize information (and for most people to follow and read).
Full use categories and tags keywords: just before the publication of that page or another, be sure to use big words for both categories and label.
Now back to your AdSense ads themselves. First - if you are new to AdSense, be sure to visit the AdSense Help rookie operations officer in Google and get all the information that can be free. Second, you want to get the necessary declarations to put AdSense code on your web site. I want that lets you see Google heat map (you can find a rookie aid link). This picture shows where the visitor's eyes go first, and where to get the most clicks. See how the red dot directly on the page content? I want you to understand that if you have only AdSense ads on every page - and you should be placed directly above you content. In addition, AdSense ads higher pay and better performance is 336X280 large rectangle.

So you're willing to make this announcement? Not so fast - you need to "confusion" in the appearance of your page. When you think of the AdSense Setup background color the same, where it will be placed on your page. Making color and font size of it, and make the colors of links from the same well. I personally would not use video ads for any reason - only text. My reasoning for this is that in the text 336X280 declaration usually receives 4 text ads, this is the 4 possibilities to make money. If the video 336X280 occupies the whole building - it's just one chance to make money, and images and video that can be intrusive to many visitors. In my humble opinion - a kind of pop culture (music, movies, celebrities, joke, based on communication and media) online to succeed with an image or video ads you will need it. Put 336X280 AdSense ads directly secured by the one immediately after it. If you use Google Analytics to track your website - and many are aware of your "bounce rate". When people come to your Web site, and they go quickly, because they found what they want, "bounce". For me, a bounce rate of 20-30% is normal. More than 50% too high.

If you have placed blocks 336X280 before and after the content of your Lehigh get highly targeted ads to accommodate the bounce. In other words - if 20-30% of my clients are going to leave my quickly anyway to find what they want - not a click on my AdSense ads to find it. I help them find what they need, and I get a "referral fee" for a click. Visitors who stay also a period of time in my many over one of the ads, as they are in the same niche. It's like being in the library and find the book you need, but saw others on the same shelf might want to as well.

Beyond the two streets in AdSense mandatory use before and after the content - often also add a link unit 4 in the sidebar text or 160x600 skyscraper. How do you feel about this depends on you and your design. If you have other ads or sidebar content that can make money - there can be a better situation. But if all you have is all the posts and some groups - such ads from the AdSense program can help you not to "leave the money on the table." This means - may just make a few extra cents or five cents a day - but if this money was seated at a table just leave him there? Probably not. Time is short. Again - especially if you're monetizing multiple locations.

I learned this term (money on the table) by Joel Comm, that just read years ago after me create your AdSense account for the first time in AdSense e-book. During the first 6-7 months that use AdSense I made any money at all program. After reading the book of Joel I quadrupled my appearance and went to make a few cents a day for the night to $ 3-5 USD a month after reading the e-books I received my first check from Google Adsense, and I've received every month since then.

So - if your web site or blog constantly using my techniques above should not be a problem to make more money from the AdSense program. A lot of times a big article like this for reading and one wonders how successful was the author. Well, it worked for me - made me in the past year, more than $ 10,000 in AdSense in a few sites ...

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