#navbar { height: 0px; visibility: hidden; display: none; } BEST SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING: When AdSense Makes No Sense - Knowing When Not to Use the Google AdSense Pay-Per-Click Program

Monday, 27 April 2015

When AdSense Makes No Sense - Knowing When Not to Use the Google AdSense Pay-Per-Click Program

The Google AdSense program is a proven money maker that has enriched the pockets of many website owners. Unlike many payment systems for each click, AdSense program has a large number of ads to take advantage of them - ads come from AdWords program from Google, which can be seen on the second side of the AdSense - program, which almost guarantees that AdSense program you can find the same ads currently with relevant site content.

There are times, however, when you use a no-nonsense AdSense program at all. Here are some common scenarios:

1. your site gets a lot of traffic.

Basic AdSense program is aimed at small and medium-sized sites. If your site has received a large number of visits, and look forward to Google Adsense Premium service. This is a program used by sites such as Amazon.com, and the New York Times, and offers many opportunities for customization of offers regular AdSense program.

2. your site does not comply with AdSense program policies.

You can not display AdSense ads on any site that violates the AdSense program policies. This is described in the first section of the AdSense program Terms and Conditions, which agreed to when you sign up in AdSense.

In practical terms, this means that any content promotes pornography, gambling, drug abuse or any illegal activity is not suitable for use AdSense. It also prohibits the promotion of AdSense for alcohol use, and snuff, counterfeit products and other products or services in the case. If you are running an online casino, for example, an AdSense can not be used on the casino site.

3. offended your visitors by advertising.

Above all, AdSense is an advertising distribution program: you rent space on their pages for Google to display AdWords derived from its advertising program. In exchange for the use of space, and Google lets you cut of the proceeds from pay per click is made from the ads that appear on your pages. If most of your visitors find ads offensive, they will stay out of place and you do not make any money from the ads displayed in any case, so it can not be any ads appear.

Note that there is a difference between abuse visitors to display any ads at all, and abuse, showing such hateful ads so all you want to do is leave your website. In fact, the ads intrusive manner in violation of the AdSense program policies and should be avoided for this reason alone.

4. notices are simply not enough.

Although Google does everything possible to find the targeted ads that are relevant to the content of the page, and sometimes fail and display ads are inadequate targeting. If your content is from the evils of the diet, for example, you probably do not want to see ads promoting a particular diet. Nor is it what you want to see ads for products or services from the competition. AdSense program allows you to filter out many of the ads, but in some cases impossible - or also work - to protect it from inappropriate advertising.

5. You make more money to keep visitors on your site.

The basic premise of pay per click advertising is that you are willing to send visitors to another party in exchange for a form of payment. If AdSense is the only form of income, then this is an acceptable compromise. However, if your site has more than other programs, you should consider whether some visitors loss of pay per click ads is worth it.

You do not have to remove the ads completely to deal with this problem. You can simply reduce the number of ads that are displayed and even re-them so that much less is clicked. Or put it to exist only on the pages of the site - the pages that visitors usually leave the site. Remember that visitors will leave your site with the passage of time anyway, trying to get them to stay longer.

Another strategy is to use link units for AdSense instead of regular text or image ads, because you can create communication units (as opposed to regular ads) to open in a separate window when clicked.

Remember AdSense program is a pay per click flexible program. You do not have to display ads on each page of your site - in fact, the AdSense program policies prohibit ads on certain types of pages. You do not have to appear in ads every site you have. You can decide whether even an image or text ads (or both) are to be displayed on a page-by-page. Of course, you can use AdSense channels to discover exactly which pages are making money and pages are not.

The use of flexibility in the AdSense program to your advantage, but do not interfere in that if you do not work for you. There are other systems in wages print advertising per click and based there to explore. For the year, for all purposes of the program is hard to beat in AdSense, but your situation may justify a more specialized program. Some sites make more affiliate programs that sell ads, or use a combination of both. Make search and find what is best for you.

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